Newsletter for the 26th Sunday B

Deacon: Rev. Thomas Wynne

Masses for next week


·         Monday: No Mass

·         Tuesday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am   

·         Wednesday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am        

·         Thursday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am     

·         Friday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am

·         Saturday: Vigil in St. Mary’s 6pm

·         Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass every Sunday at 1.30pm.





















Benny Daly, Allan Walker, Eddie Campbell, Mary Cairns, Margaret Macdonald, George MacFarlane, Jessie Fitzsimons, Mary McCarthy, Janet McCaffrey, Archie Macleod, John McAuley.







We welcome Fr. Charles Egbon

We are delighted to have Fr. Charles among us, and we welcome him warmly to the parishes of Caol and Glenfinnan, and hope that he enjoys his time with us. Fr. Charles will say mass daily in St. John’s Caol, on the following days. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 10am.

The New Lectionary

As some of you might already know the lectionary which is the book that contains the scripture readings for mass and the sacraments is changing in Advent of this year. This will cost in the region of £600-£700 pounds for each parish. If anyone wishes to donate to the cost of the new lectionaries, please speak to Deacon Thomas. We thank everyone most sincerely for their contributions so far which have already reached £1,020 which is halfway towards the final cost. Many thanks for your generosity.

Spiritans Appeal

Thank you for your generosity last week to the collection for the work of the Spiritans, the total raised was £583.50.

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting

There will a meeting of the PPC on Wednesday the 9th of October at 7pm in St. Mary’s Chapel House, for all three parishes. If anyone has anything they wish to discuss, please inform me before the meeting. Fr. David.

Fr. Michael Macdonald

We are blessed to have Fr. Michael with us for a few days next week. I will take this opportunity to meet up with my priestly support group.

Sunday Coffee’s St. Mary’s

Next Sunday there will be teas and coffees after 11.15am mass in St. Mary’s, all are most welcome.

Church Cleaning

There will be cleaning of the St. John’s church on Thursday the 3rd of October after 10am mass. St. Mary’s cleaning will be on Friday the 4th of October after mass.

Deacon: Rev. Thomas Wynne

Masses for next week


·         Monday: No Mass

·         Tuesday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am   

·         Wednesday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am        

·         Thursday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am     

·         Friday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am

·         Saturday: Vigil in St. Mary’s 6pm

·         Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass every Sunday at 1.30pm.





















Benny Daly, Allan Walker, Eddie Campbell, Mary Cairns, Margaret Macdonald, George MacFarlane, Jessie Fitzsimons, Mary McCarthy, Janet McCaffrey, Archie Macleod, John McAuley.







We welcome Fr. Charles Egbon

We are delighted to have Fr. Charles among us, and we welcome him warmly to the parishes of Caol and Glenfinnan, and hope that he enjoys his time with us. Fr. Charles will say mass daily in St. John’s Caol, on the following days. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 10am.

The New Lectionary

As some of you might already know the lectionary which is the book that contains the scripture readings for mass and the sacraments is changing in Advent of this year. This will cost in the region of £600-£700 pounds for each parish. If anyone wishes to donate to the cost of the new lectionaries, please speak to Deacon Thomas. We thank everyone most sincerely for their contributions so far which have already reached £1,020 which is halfway towards the final cost. Many thanks for your generosity.

Spiritans Appeal

Thank you for your generosity last week to the collection for the work of the Spiritans, the total raised was £583.50.

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting

There will a meeting of the PPC on Wednesday the 9th of October at 7pm in St. Mary’s Chapel House, for all three parishes. If anyone has anything they wish to discuss, please inform me before the meeting. Fr. David.

Fr. Michael Macdonald

We are blessed to have Fr. Michael with us for a few days next week. I will take this opportunity to meet up with my priestly support group.

Sunday Coffee’s St. Mary’s

Next Sunday there will be teas and coffees after 11.15am mass in St. Mary’s, all are most welcome.

Church Cleaning

There will be cleaning of the St. John’s church on Thursday the 3rd of October after 10am mass. St. Mary’s cleaning will be on Friday the 4th of October after mass.

Deacon: Rev. Thomas Wynne

Masses for next week


·         Monday: No Mass

·         Tuesday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am   

·         Wednesday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am        

·         Thursday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am     

·         Friday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am

·         Saturday: Vigil in St. Mary’s 6pm

·         Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass every Sunday at 1.30pm.





















Benny Daly, Allan Walker, Eddie Campbell, Mary Cairns, Margaret Macdonald, George MacFarlane, Jessie Fitzsimons, Mary McCarthy, Janet McCaffrey, Archie Macleod, John McAuley.







We welcome Fr. Charles Egbon

We are delighted to have Fr. Charles among us, and we welcome him warmly to the parishes of Caol and Glenfinnan, and hope that he enjoys his time with us. Fr. Charles will say mass daily in St. John’s Caol, on the following days. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 10am.

The New Lectionary

As some of you might already know the lectionary which is the book that contains the scripture readings for mass and the sacraments is changing in Advent of this year. This will cost in the region of £600-£700 pounds for each parish. If anyone wishes to donate to the cost of the new lectionaries, please speak to Deacon Thomas. We thank everyone most sincerely for their contributions so far which have already reached £1,020 which is halfway towards the final cost. Many thanks for your generosity.

Spiritans Appeal

Thank you for your generosity last week to the collection for the work of the Spiritans, the total raised was £583.50.

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting

There will a meeting of the PPC on Wednesday the 9th of October at 7pm in St. Mary’s Chapel House, for all three parishes. If anyone has anything they wish to discuss, please inform me before the meeting. Fr. David.

Fr. Michael Macdonald

We are blessed to have Fr. Michael with us for a few days next week. I will take this opportunity to meet up with my priestly support group.

Sunday Coffee’s St. Mary’s

Next Sunday there will be teas and coffees after 11.15am mass in St. Mary’s, all are most welcome.

Church Cleaning

There will be cleaning of the St. John’s church on Thursday the 3rd of October after 10am mass. St. Mary’s cleaning will be on Friday the 4th of October after mass.

Deacon: Rev. Thomas Wynne

Masses for next week


·         Monday: No Mass

·         Tuesday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am   

·         Wednesday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am        

·         Thursday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am     

·         Friday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am

·         Saturday: Vigil in St. Mary’s 6pm

·         Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass every Sunday at 1.30pm.


















Benny Daly, Allan Walker, Eddie Campbell, Mary Cairns, Margaret Macdonald, George MacFarlane, Jessie Fitzsimons, Mary McCarthy, Janet McCaffrey, Archie Macleod, John McAuley.

We welcome Fr. Charles Egbon

We are delighted to have Fr. Charles among us, and we welcome him warmly to the parishes of Caol and Glenfinnan, and hope that he enjoys his time with us. Fr. Charles will say mass daily in St. John’s Caol, on the following days. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 10am.

The New Lectionary

As some of you might already know the lectionary which is the book that contains the scripture readings for mass and the sacraments is changing in Advent of this year. This will cost in the region of £600-£700 pounds for each parish. If anyone wishes to donate to the cost of the new lectionaries, please speak to Deacon Thomas. We thank everyone most sincerely for their contributions so far which have already reached £1,020 which is halfway towards the final cost. Many thanks for your generosity.

Spiritans Appeal

Thank you for your generosity last week to the collection for the work of the Spiritans, the total raised was £583.50.

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting

There will a meeting of the PPC on Wednesday the 9th of October at 7pm in St. Mary’s Chapel House, for all three parishes. If anyone has anything they wish to discuss, please inform me before the meeting. Fr. David.

Fr. Michael Macdonald

We are blessed to have Fr. Michael with us for a few days next week. I will take this opportunity to meet up with my priestly support group.

Sunday Coffee’s St. Mary’s

Next Sunday there will be teas and coffees after 11.15am mass in St. Mary’s, all are most welcome.

Church Cleaning

There will be cleaning of the St. John’s church on Thursday the 3rd of October after 10am mass. St. Mary’s cleaning will be on Friday the 4th of October after mass.