Masses for next week
· Monday: No Mass
· Tuesday: Mass in St. Mary’s 10.15am Wednesday: Mass in St. Mary’s, 10.15am · Thursday: Mass in St. Mary’s 10.15am · Friday: Mass in St. Mary’s 10.15am · Saturday: Vigil in St. Mary’s 6pm · Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass every Sunday at 1.30pm.
Mary Ann Cameron, Angus MacMillan, Liz Rogan, David McCook, Stephen Lauder,
Rowan Macleod, Mary Macdonald, George McFall, David Macpherson, Julia Gibson,
Maud McHale, Ronald Maceachan, Graham Goodman, Margaret Anne Childs,
Margaret Mitchell, Bobby Gribben, Ronald MacInnes, Dorothy Anderson,
Roderick Macdonald, Mary Margaret Lucas, Neil Gillies, Kate MacDougall, Tony Machugh.
New Year 2025
On behalf of myself, Deacon Thomas and Fr. Charles we would all like to wish you a happy New Year. May you be blessed with good health and joy. Fr. David.
Golden Wedding Congratulations
Many congratulations to Deacon Thomas and Sheena Wynne on their recent Golden Wedding celebrations. Wishing them health and happiness in the future together.
New Missals
I have ordered several Sunday Missals which have arrived they are priced at £17 each which is a discounted price as they were bought in bulk. They are now available at the back of the church. The daily missals are not out till next year, April 2025.
Jubilee Year 2025
Pope Francis inaugurated the Jubilee year on Christmas Eve with the opening of the Holy Door in Rome. Inviting all of us to be pilgrims of hope. There will be certain events going on throughout the diocese throughout the year. Please support them if you can.
Justice and Peace
This Sunday there will be a letter read out and collection at all masses for the work of Justice and Peace. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
St. Columba’s School First Communions
St. Columba’s RC Primary School and Father David would like to invite those who are of Primary Four and above who have not made there First Communion to attend preparation classes after school one afternoon a week. The times and dates have still to be confirmed when we know the numbers. Please contact the Head Teacher at St. Columba’s school to register your interest.
Inver Nevis Home
There will be a mass on Wednesday the 9th of January at 11.30 am in Inver Nevis all are most welcome.
Teas and coffees
There will be teas and coffees after mass this Sunday, all are welcome.