Newsletter for the 27th Sunday A

Masses for next week

·         Monday: No Mass

·         Tuesday: 10:00 Eucharistic Service at St. John’s Caol.

·         Wednesday: No Mass, or Eucharistic Service

·         Thursday: 10am Eucharistic Service, St. John’s Caol

·         Friday: 10.15am No Mass or Eucharistic Service

·         Saturday: The Vigil at St. Mary’s at 6pm

·         Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass on the first and third Sunday’s, 1.30pm.
















Deacon Thomas and I will be away on the Diocesan Retreat in Kinnoull Perthshire, from Monday the 9th of October till Friday the 13th of October. There will be no priest or Deacon in the parish for these few days. If there is an emergency, please phone Fr. Jarek in Morar on 01687450629.


Larry Lenkas, Edward Dominic Reuill, Peter Murphy, Calum MacLean, John MacDougall, Angus Rory Grant, Donald John MacNeil, Ian MacDougall, George Downs, Charlen Masclet, Carmen Mages, Alan Smith, D. Macdonald, Colin Macmillan, Maureen Macpherson, Archie Mackay, Sandy Canpbell, Sandra Campbell, George Uiph, Thomas Brash, Alastair Weie, Kenny Cairns, Nellie Rennie, Davie Allan, Hamish Stewart.

Fr. Walter

As most of you now know Fr. Walter will be coming to the parishes of St. John’s Caol, and St. Mary’s and St. Finnan, Glenfinnan on Friday the 27th of October. It is hoped that by that time the parish house in Caol will be vacant, and Fr. Walter will stay there for the foreseeable future. This is quite a change for all of us. I will no longer be your parish priest. Fr. Walter will be in charge of both Caol and Glenfinnan, The Bishop has asked that the mass times at the weekend do not change as he would like in the case of illness or holidays that the parishes can still be served by one priest. Fr. Walter will need help from you the parishioners to give him time to settle in and make the house comfortable for him. Nearer the time we will be asking for help from the community, please if you can do your best to help us and Fr. Walter to settle into Lochaber, so that his time here may be fruitful.

Fr. David Connor, P.P.

Eucharistic Ministers

It is proposed to have a meeting of all Eucharistic Ministers from all three parishes, on Tuesday the 24thn of October at 7pm, in St. Mary’s Fort William. If you are unable to attend, please ensure you put in your apologies, to Fr. David or Deacon Thomas.

Missio Scotland

Please put in your diary the date for World Mission Sunday which will be the 22nd of October. There will be a second collection at all masses for this very worthy cause.

Sick and Housebound

If anyone requires a visit to the house or are in hospital, please get in touch with Fr. David