Newsletter for the 24th Sunday of the Year B

Masses for next week


·         Monday: No Mass

·         Tuesday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am   

·         Wednesday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am        

·         Thursday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am     

·         Friday: Mass will be held in St. Mary’s at 10.15am, and St. John at 10am

·         Saturday: Vigil in St. Mary’s 6pm

·         Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass every Sunday at 1.30pm.





















George Mackinnon, Brian Wynne, Donnie Kennedy, James Currie, Tony Maccuish,

Kenneth Macintyre, Robert Mackay, Mary Macdonald, Ronan Macleod, Ena Macdonald,

Frank Gribben, Nellie Hayes, Joe McHugh, Kathleen Lucas, Margaret Chisolm, Allan Currie,

Donald MacNeil, David Donaldson, Carmela Boni, Alice Macauley, Francis Connachie,

Alistair Macdonald, Sandy Morrison, Alice Allan, Theresa Anne Keil, John Sheilds,

Joey Macmillan, Dorothy Campbell.


We welcome Fr. Charles Egbon

We are delighted to have Fr. Charles among us, and we welcome him warmly to the parishes of Caol and Glenfinnan, and hope that he enjoys his time with us. Fr. Charles will say mass daily in St. John’s Caol, on the following days. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 10am.

The New Lectionary

As some of you might already know the lectionary which is the book that contains the scripture readings for mass and the sacraments is changing in Advent of this year. This will cost in the region of £600-£700 pounds for all three parishes. If anyone wishes to donate to the cost of the new lectionaries, please speak to Deacon Thomas.

Catherine Hannan R.I.P.

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Catherine to her family and friends we offer our love and prayers at this difficult time for them.

Sheila Simmonds

It is with great sadness we announce the death of Sheila. To her family and friends, we offer our love and our prayers at this sad time for them. Sheila’s Requiem Mass will be held in St. John’s Caol on Thursday the 26th of September at 10am.

Spiritans Appeal

Next weekend we will have the Spiritans with us in St. Mary’s to give their annual appeal. Please be as generous as you can.

Led by the spirit

We are now one third of the way through phase three consultation period. Having explored our mission and resources we are now discerning how we can best live out our mission. Bishop Brian encourages the involvement of parishioners in the process. The closing date for parish submissions is September the 30th from which the diocesan collated report will be formed.

Relevant material can be accessed at www.ledby the I invite you all to read and reflect on the relevant sections of the diocesan website in preparation for the parish meeting which will be for all parishes. St. John’s, St. Mary’s and St. Mary’s and St. Finnan’s. This will take place on Wednesday the 25th of September at 7pm in St. Mary’s chapel house.