Newsletter for the 3rd Sunday of Advent C

Masses for next week


·         Monday: No Mass

·         Tuesday: Mass in St. Mary’s 10.15am

·         Wednesday: Mass in St. Mary’s 10.15am

·         Thursday: No Mass

·         Friday: Mass in St. Mary’s 10.15am Requiem Mass for Peter MacGrail                    

·         Saturday: Vigil in St. Mary’s 6pm

·         Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass every Sunday at 1.30pm.



















Kathleen Sheldon, Effie Gillies, Margaret Macpherson, John Cameron, Rokas Slezas,

Effie McFall, Hazel Paterson, Bernard Cairns, Colin Shepherd, Murial Bender, Andrew Nisbet,

Georgia Thomson, John Macdonald, Janet Jones, Christina Stage, Steven Haggerty, Alec Maclean, John Macdonald, Margaret Gallacher, Bella Macrae.

Christmas Mass Times

St. Mary’s, Christmas Vigil 24th Dec 6pm. Christmas Day 10.30am.

St. Mary and St. Finnan’s Glenfinnan, Carols 6.30pm, Mass at 7pm.

St. John’s, 11.30 pm Carols, 12pm, Midnight Mass, Christmas Day 10am.


Each Christmas we have an annual collection for those most in need. There are people in our communities struggling for food, electricity etc. Our collection will be on Sunday the 22nd of December, please be as generous as you can. Fr. David.

New Missals

I have ordered several Sunday Missals which have arrived they are priced at £17 each which is a discounted price as they were bought in bulk. They are now available at the back of the church. The daily missals are not out till next year, April 2025.

Advent Talks

We thank Bishop Brian for his excellent talk on Thursday evening and look forward to Fr. James Mac Neil’s talk this Thursday the 19th at 6pm.

Peter MacGrail R.I.P.

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Peter MacGrail. To his family and friends, we offer our love and prayers at this difficult time for them. Peter’s Requiem Mass will be on Friday the 20th of December at 10.15am in St. Mary’s, Fort William.

Evelyn MacGregor R.I.P.

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Evelyn MacGregor. To her family and friends, we offer our love and prayers at this difficult time for them. Evelyn’s funeral service will be on Friday the 27th of December at 12 am in St. Mary’s, Fort William.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

We are blessed to have Fr. Danny with us on Friday the 20th of December from 6-7pm to hear confessions. Please avail yourself of this beautiful healing sacrament before Christmas.

Decorating the church for Christmas

The Christmas crib, tree and decorations will be put up on Wednesday the 18th of December at 5pm. Many hands make light work. Please come along and help if you can.