5th Sunday of the Year B


As you know a week on Wednesday marks the start of Lent. As always during Lent we place a particular emphasis on prayer, fasting and almsgiving. There is as always, the “WEE BOXES” from S.C.I.A.F. these will be left outside St. John’s and St. Mary’s along with the newsletter.

Ash Wednesday

Obviously, this year Ash Wednesday, and Lent are going to be very different. Some suggestions to help you. If you have any old palms in the house, you can burn them and add some water, and put the ashes on your head, or those in your household. There is also a great opportunity to spend more time in reading the scriptures and getting to know the Lord at a deeper level. Or even just sitting in God’s presence in silence for a short while each day.

St.John’s Parish House

As we mentioned a few weeks ago, in discussions with the Parish Finance Committee, it was decided that we would rent out the parish house in Caol. This is a decision we didn’t come to lightly, but we feel that with no real prospect of a priest in the near future, it is imperative that the house is looked after.

I am extremely thankful to those who have done so much work in getting the house ready for our new tenants. It is hoped that the house will be rented out to the staff of Mosspark Nursing Home, who live a distance away from the home, I feel this not only helps us, but also helps the community as a whole. It is hoped that the house will be occupied from the beginning of March.

Lectio Divina

The Lochaber Parishes plan to begin Lectio Divina during this latest national lockdown. Lectio Divina will take place on Thursday evenings fortnightly via Zoom for parishioners of the three churches in the parish. Beginning at 7.00pm, it will last for roughly one hour concluding with a short Night Prayer of the Church. A different priest will lead the evening each time. The readings will be based upon the Gospel from the coming Sunday.
Beginning in Ordinary Time, we will work through Lent, Passiontide, Easter and finish with the Gospel for Pentecost Sunday:

Thursday 11th February – Mark 1:40-45 (6th Sunday in Ordinary Time B)
Thursday 25th February – Mark 9:2-10 (2nd Sunday in Lent B)

The structure of Lectio Divina is as follows: Introduction, Sign of the Cross, Invocation of the Holy Spirit, Act of Contrition, The Gospel, The Response, The Meditatio (reflection), The shared echo, Oratio (prayer), Contemplatio (contemplation), Conclusion.

If you are interested and wish to participate in these evenings, please email Fr. David at fortwilliam@rcdai.org.uk We will then set up a mailing list once we have your email address and be able to provide you with further info and zoom meeting IDs/Passcodes. Zoom is easy to setup and operate. If you go to www.zoom.us/signup you will be able to create an account. If you need any help with this don’t hesitate to call the Parish. Zoom is totally free of charge.

Parish Finance in Lockdown Crisis

Many thanks to all who have handed in envelopes and donations during lockdown. It has made a great difference to the finances of the different parishes. Could you please continue to post your donations through the door of St. Mary’s chapel house. Many thanks indeed.

Suspension of Public Mass and Private Prayer

Dear all, just a brief update of where we are regarding public masses, and churches opening up again. After the latest announcement from the government, there is certainly not going to be public mass, for at least another few weeks. I know that this is extremely disappointing for us all. On the bright side, many know have had their vaccines, and things are starting to look up. Our faith gives us hope, that even in the middle of this pandemic, it won’t be like this forever. And one day we will all be able to meet up again, and give praise and thank to God together.

Mass times for the coming week

Masses will be streamed on our Facebook site. Friends of St. Mary’s Fort William.  Tuesday 10.15am, Wednesday 10.15am, Thursday 10.15am, Friday 10.15am. Please note the change of time for streamed mass on Ash Wednesday, this is to allow those who are working to join us.


Ronald Macdonald, Roderick Macinnes, Albert Timbrell, Jonny Macmaster, Maimie Macdonald, Margret Finn, Dolly Macvarish.