Newsletter for the 7th Sunday A

Masses for next week

Monday and Saturday morning there will be no masses. Tuesday and Thursday mass as usual at 10am St. John’s Caol. Ash Wednesday there will be mass in St. Mary’s at 10.15am, and Mass in St. John’s in the evening at 7pm. Friday there will be mass in St. Mary’s at 10.15am.

Weekend Masses as follows. The Vigil St. Mary’s, 6pm, Sunday morning, St. John’s 10am, St. Mary’s 11.15am, and Glenfinnan there will mass on the first and third Sunday’s.



Alister MacLean, Mary Delaney, Mary Wegner, Mary Burns Maclean, Jessie Macdonald, Alexander Macdonald, Eugene Leddy, Fr. Tom Wynne, Hugh Mceleney, Alister Macdonald, Murdo Macleod, James Macdonald, Cathy MacPherson, Francis McGuire, John Grant,         Donald Currie, Grace Ferrie, Jim Moran.

Children’s Liturgy

The children’s liturgy has restarted in St. Mary’s Fort William. All parents and children welcome.

Exposition of the blessed sacrament

There will be exposition of the blessed sacrament every Friday morning after mass for half an hour. 

The Season of Lent

Ash Wednesday marks the season of Lent, a time prayer, fasting and almsgiving, and of growing closer to the Lord, by spending more time in his presence, and his love. Masses will be at 10.15am in St. Mary’s and 7pm in St. John’s.

Stations of the Cross

Throughout Lent we will have Stations of the Cross every Tuesday night in St. Mary’s Fort William. Starting on Tuesday the 28th at 6pm. All are most welcome.

S.C.I.A.F. Wee Boxes

The Wee boxes for the great work that S.C.I.A.F. does will be give out at every mass this weekend. Please take them home and do your best to contribute to the great work that they do.

Fabric and Planning Meeting

It is proposed that those that are part of our Fabric and Planning team will meet this Tuesday the 21st at 7pm in St. Mary’s Chapel House.

St. Columba’s RC Primary School

Nursery Enrolment will take place from Monday the 13thtill Friday the 17th of February. Any children born between 1st March 2019 and the 28th February 2021 are entitled to a funded Early Learning and Childcare Place. If you wish to enrol, please do so by clicking on the link, or contact the school directly on 01397 703 377.

Primary One Enrolment will take place on Monday the 30th of January till Friday the 3rd of February.

Once again if you wish to enrol, please do so by the means above.

Led by the Spirit Prayer Cards

Please help yourselves to a prayer card which will help to lead us in our discernment of the future of the diocese.

Parishes of Lochaber Parish Pastoral Council Meeting

The Parish Council Meeting was very successful last week. We have had a request to print the minutes and put them at the back of the church, and to also name those on the Council. This we will do in due course.

Second Collection Diocesan Pastoral Fund

This Sunday there will be a second collection for the Diocesan Pastoral Fund. Please be as generous as you can.

Diocesan Pastoral Fund

The annual Second Collection for the Diocesan Pastoral Collection will take place over the weekend of 18th/19th February. This Fund supports various pastoral initiatives throughout the diocese. One example is the Led by the Spirit Discernment Programme through which we will communally discern the future of the diocese. The recent introductory meetings, led by the bishop, revealed a deep hunger within parishioners and clergy alike for the process. A second example is Safeguarding. Ensuring that children and vulnerable adults are safe is a core Christian virtue. An independent Safeguarding body (Scottish Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency) has been recently established to support all the dioceses, including Argyll and the Isles. We are grateful for your financial support towards these and other initiatives. Bishop Brian.