Masses for next week
There will be no masses on Monday and Saturday morning of next week. The morning masses are as follows. Tuesday and Thursday St. John’s Caol 10am, Wednesday and Friday at 10.15am in St. Mary’s. The weekend will be as usual. Vigil 6pm St. Mary’s, Sunday morning 10am, St. John’s Caol, and 11.15am in St. Mary’s, Glenfinnan, there will be mass on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, till further notice.
Streaming of masses
For those still unable to attend mass, we will continue to stream mass on “Friends of St. Mary’s” Facebook site. Masses will only be streamed on a Sunday at 11.15am. There will no longer be daily masses streamed.
Maimie MacDonald, Margaret Finn, Dolly MacVarish, Ewen Macdonald, Willie Kennedy, Cyril Buchanan, Farquar McKinnney, Neil Campbell, Peggy Campbell, Eunice Mclellan, James Keenan, Mary McHale, Ewen Macdonald, Michael Dunlop, Mena Stewart, Angus John MacNeil, Helen Clark, Jim Stalker, Vincent Kelly, Alan Berriman.
There will be confessions in St. Mary’s every Saturday evening before the Vigil Mass from 5.15pm to 5.45 pm. And on request at any other time.
It is hoped in the not to distant future we will have a get together of all the baptised to take part in the Synodal process. This is an opportunity for each one of us, to let our voices be heard, and to hopefully build a church, suitable for all for the future.
Prayer Cards for the Synod
There are prayer cards at the back of the church for the Synod. This is an excellent opportunity for each one of us, as baptised Christians to play a deeper role in the life of the church, and to hear and respect your views. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will bring fresh wisdom to our deliberations.
Sick and the Housebound
Most of the Fort William sick and housebound were visited last week, as well as the residents of Mosspark. We hope to get round the Caol sick and housebound this week.
With Kevin leaving to go to pastures new, we are in need of an organist to play on Sundays at St. Mary’s, and as required. If anyone knows of anyone who could help with this post, please contact Fr. David. There will be a salary commensurate to experience, and the time that they are able to give to the role.
St. Mary’s roof repairs, and the second phase of the painting of the church
I spoke to Nodram the painters, who are carrying out the work in St. Mary’s this week. They propose to do the second phase at the beginning of March with the works being completed very shortly after. This is good news as the church will be, finished for Easter. Our collection towards the work stands at £11,190. Thank you so much for all your help.
New Archbishop of Glasgow
It is with great joy that the announcement was made this week that Glasgow has a new Archbishop elect, Bishop William Nolan formerly Bishop of Galloway. We wish Bishop William, health, and happiness in his new role, and pray that he will be continually guided by God’s spirit.
World Day of Prayer
This years World Day of Prayer will be held in St. John’s Caol on Friday the 4th of March. Please put the date in your diaries.
New Organ for St. Mary’s
I have been in discussions this week about the new organ for St. Mary’s, the speakers are being made at the moment and I am hoping that all being well it will be in place by Easter.
Coronavirus and the recent changes
Whilst it remains a legal requirement to wear a face covering in churches (unless an exemption applies) and parishes are encouraged to continue to follow the Covid guidance of the Bishops’ Conference, the gradual easing of restrictions and the slowdown in transmission of the virus has allowed the Bishops’ Conference to review one particular aspect of existing advice and guidance: with immediate effect parishes may dispense with the taking of contact details of people attending Mass for the purposes of Test and Protect.