Parish Priest: St. Mary’s, Rev. David Connor
Parish Priest: St. John’s Caol and Glenfinnan, Rev. Walter Ezenwosu MSP
Deacon: Rev. Thomas Wynne
Masses for next week
· Monday: No Mass
· Tuesday: Mass St. John’s, 10am · Wednesday: St. Mary’s, 10.15am · Thursday: St. John’s, 10am · Friday: Mass at 10:15 mass at St. Mary’s, followed by Exposition. · Saturday: The Vigil at St. Mary’s at 6pm · Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass every Sunday at 1.30pm.
Times for Easter Services
Palm Sunday 11.15am St. Mary’s
Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7pm
Good Friday 3pm The Passion of the Lord
Easter Vigil 8.30pm
Easter Sunday 11.15am
Roybridge Taizé evening
Palm Sunday the 24th of March at 4pm, there will be an evening of prayer and Taize music.
All are most welcome.
I will be away on holiday from the Monday the 11th of March till Monday the 18th of March.
Fr. Walter will look after the parish in my absence.
Isobe O’ Hare, Winnie Thompson, Charlie Fitzsimons, Peter Archibald, Harry Thompson, Catherine MacDonald, Lachlan MacLeod, Thora Finan, Thomas Buchanan, Laura Cameron,
Flora MacDonald, Dougie Morrison, William Coull, Margaret Maclaren, Tommy Stevenson, Robert Wright, Jeanie Wright, Daniel Wright, Lily Macdonald, Mary Forsyth, Bessie Jarvis, Sandra Macpherson, Jimmy Macbeth, John Currie, Margaret MacDougall, Rose Alexander, Charlie Alexander, Ena Morrison, Angus Macdonald, Margaret Cameron, Angus MacIsaac, Angus Murphy, Mary Macintyre, Ronnie MacDougall, Lillian Akkan, Jim Cairns,
Patricia Kennedy, Charles Kelly, Lily MacDonald, Rose Confield.
Stations of the Cross
Throughout Lent we will have stations of the cross every Tuesday evening in St. Mary’s. Our next stations will be Tuesday the 5th of March at 6pm.
Chrism Mass
Our Chrism Mass this year will be held on Wednesday the 20th of March in St. Columba’s Cathedral, at 6.30pm. All are most welcome.
Lectio Divina
It is proposed that every Thursday evening during Lent we will meet in St. Mary’s chapel house to discuss and to pray over the gospel reading for the next Sunday. Our next meeting is Thursday the 14th of March at 7pm. Thanks to those who turned up last week.
S.C.I.A.F. Second Collection
Next Sunday there will be a second collection at all masses for the great work that S.C.I.A.F. does, please be as generous as you can to this wonderful cause.
Bishop Brian Pastoral Letter
Bishop Brian has sent a pastoral letter. Please pick up one at the back of the church and take it home to read.
First Holy Communions
It has been decided that with such low numbers that there will no first communions till next year.
Our date for Confirmations this year is Sunday the 16th of June at 11.15am in St. Mary’s, Fort William.
R.I.P. Hugh McMaster
It is with great sadness we announce the death of Hugh. To his mother Morag and family, we offer our love and our prayers at this sad time for them. May his good soul rest in peace.