Masses for next week
· Monday: No mass
· Tuesday: Mass in St. Mary’s, 10.15am · Wednesday: Mass in St. Mary’s 10.15am · Thursday: Mass in St. Mary’s, 10.15am · Friday: Mass in St. Mary’s 10.15am · Saturday: Vigil, 6pm · Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass every Sunday at 1.30pm.
Ronnie Gillies, Clement Kirby, Jessie Matheson, Calum Macdonald, Roddy Macdonald,
Angele-Ona Laurinavicicne, Ted Timbrell, Peggy Macdonald, Peter Macdonald,
Annie Johnston, Joseph O’ Connor, Christina Cameron, Ina Macnaughton, Morag Gillies,
Marie Macleod, Karen Steiuke, Willie Gillies, Mary Cameron, Peggy Macdonald,
Calum Macleod.
John Whyte R.I.P.
It is with great sadness we announce the death of John, to his family and friends we offer our love and support at this sad time for them. John’s funeral service will be held in St. Mary and St. Finnan’s, Glenfinnan on Thursday the 25th of April at 2pm. All are most welcome to attend.
Joe Keenan R.I.P.
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Joe Keenan, to his family and friends we offer our love and support at this sad time for them. Joe’s Requiem Mass will be held in St. Mary’s Fort William on Wednesday the 1st of May at 10.15am. All are most welcome to attend.
Cathie Stevenson R.I.P.
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Cathie, to her family and friends we offer our love and support at this sad time for them. Cathie’s Requiem Mass will be on Friday the 3rd of May at 11am in St. Mary’s Fort William. All are most welcome to attend.
Our date for Confirmations this year is Sunday the 16th of June at 11.15am in St. Mary’s, Fort William.
Return of S.C.I.A.F. boxes
Could you please return your Lenten S.C.I.A.F. boxes next Sunday. Thank you very much indeed for your generosity towards this fantastic cause.
Teas and Coffee’s after 11.15am Mass
It is proposed that we will have teas and coffees on the first Sunday of every month in St. Mary’s Church house, starting on Sunday the 5th of May after mass, for those who can help, please let us know. It is important that we not only pray together but get to no one another, please come, and give this your support.
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
There will be a parish pastoral council meeting on Thursday the 25th of April at 7pm in St. Mary’s chapel house.
Brodie John Treasurer
It is with great joy that we welcomed Brodie John into the family of the church last Sunday. To John and Meghan, and all his family and friends, we offer our love, prayers, and support.
Magnus Mackinnon Baptism
It is with great joy that we welcomed Magnus into the family of the church yesterday,
To his family and friends, we offer our love, prayers and support,