Newsletter for the 3rd Sunday of Advent B

Thank you to all who continue to work in tracking and tracing and cleaning the churches

We give thanks to all who are working so tirelessly to keep our churches safe and open, at this time. Many people have asked if they have to book to come along to mass, during the week, or at the weekend. There are always plenty spaces, and you are all most welcome.


Many people have asked me what is going to happen regarding masses over the Christmas period. Times have still to be arranged, but due to their only being one priest, and the problem of limited numbers of cleaners, and limited numbers who can attend mass at one time, (I.E. 50), we will probably have to have a booking system in place nearer the time.

Christmas Mass Details

Because of covid restrictions this year, we have no option but to use a booking system for our Christmas Masses. Numbers are restricted to 50 at each Mass. Each Mass time is listed below with a phone number to book.                     Please call between 6 and 9.30 in the evening to book your place

St Marys Vigil 6pm ………………………… Helen Curran 702990

St Johns Midnight Mass…………………John Dougan 701071

St. Johns Xmas day 10am …Mgt. MacMaster 07801 428 920

St Marys Xmas day 11.15am …….  Patricia Jordan 698912


Christmas Arrangements

If your Christmas arrangements have changed and you are unable to attend the Mass you have booked. Please let us know, to allow the space to be allocated to someone else.


Due to covid restrictions there will not be another confessor available this year. I will be available myself for confessions by appointment. Please phone the parish house to book.

Hugh Maclean

We wish Hugh and his wife Mairi well as they leave to move closer to their family in Inverness. We thank Hughie for all his help in the parish over the years, and wish him and the family health and happiness.

Davie McNamara R.I.P. Funeral Service Tuesday the 15th 10.15am.

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Davie McNamara, to his wife and family we offer our thoughts and prayers.


Sandra Vial, Christina Quinn, Robert Meek, Georgia Thomson, John Macdonald, Janet Jones, Effie McFall, Christine Stage, Steven Haggerty.