Newsletter for the 32nd Sunday of year A


Roy Stirling, James Mcallister, Teresa Duggan, Sarah Kelly, Mona Timbrell, Marian Drummond, Irene Quail, Mary Macdonald, Adam Maclean.


It is with great joy that we welcome into our community of faith, Skye, Isabella Pinto, who will be baptised on Monday. To Chantelle and Sinclair, we offer our congratulations, and  prayers.

Bishop Brian

We thank Bishop Brian most sincerely for coming to our parishes last week to serve us, especially in such horrible weather.

Morag Mackintosh

Morag would like to thank most sincerely, Fr. David and all the great parishioners who sent their love and prayers, while she was in hospital. God bless you all.

Remembrance Sunday

We remember all those who lost their lives in the service of their country. And we pray for peace throughout the world.

Visiting the sick

We are unfortunately unable to visit the sick in their homes at this time. We are still in contact either by phone, or e-mail.

Thank you to all who continue to work in tracking and tracing and cleaning the churches

We give thanks to all who are working so tirelessly to keep our churches safe and open, at this time. Many people have asked if they have to book to come along to mass, during the week, or at the weekend. There are always plenty spaces, and you are all most welcome.

Holy Souls

Many thanks to those who handed in their November lists. If you wish to still do so, there are lists in St. John’s and St. Mary’s.


Many people have asked me what is going to happen regarding masses over the Christmas period. Times have still to be arranged, but due to their only being one priest, and the problem of limited numbers of cleaners, and limited numbers who can attend mass at one time, (I.E. 50), we will probably have to have a booking system in place nearer the time.