Newsletter for the 31st Sunday A

Masses for next week

·         Monday: No mass

·         Tuesday: 10:15 am mass at St. Mary’s

·         Wednesday: 10:15 am mass at St. Mary’s

·         Thursday: 10.15am mass at St. Mary’s

·         Friday: Mass at 10:15 am at St. Mary’s followed by the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass

·         Saturday: The Vigil at St. Mary’s at 6pm

·         Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass on

















Masses in Caol

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of next week, St. John’s Caol, 10am.


Margaret Walker (Revie), Alice Findlay, Mary Ellen Timbrell, Paddy Heron, Una Brown, Mary Mulrooney, Jack Doyle, Esther Judge, Kathleen Mitchell, Edward Walsh, Johnnie Neill,

Dick Cameron, Donald Macdonald, Patrick Joseph Flannigan, Sheena McMaster, Brian Wynne,

Christina MacNeil, Arthur Findlay, Neil Macleod, Donald Macdonald.

November Month of the Holy Souls

In the month of November, we always pray for the Holy Souls. Please hand in those you would like to pray for.

It is hoped that we will have a mass for the Holy Souls in St. Mary’s on Thursday the 23rd of November at 7pm.

Readers for during the week in Fort William

We require some more readers to help out at morning masses during the week. Please speak to Deacon Thomas if you wish to help out.

Saturday the 11th of November Work Party

It is proposed that we will have a work party on Saturday the 11th of November from          10-12am, to clear out the garage and some of the chapel house, and to tidy of the garden for the winter. Many hands make light work. Tea will be provided.

Bishop Brian Refection on the Synod

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ.
Tonight, at 9 pm, the Synod’s synthesis report was approved. My feeling is one of deep peace because I am satisfied that the Holy Spirit is at work. Yes, important, and delicate questions remain but if the Church can genuinely be open to the Spirit, I sincerely believe that all will be well.

The report accurately reflects the Synod’s experience during the past month: where there has been agreement, where there have been divergences, where progress has been made, suggestions for further reflection and proposed actions. Please remember that this was only the Synod’s First Session while the Second Session will be held in October 2024. Therefore, the report which we approved tonight is a transitory document. It is important to recognise that the text doesn’t have definitive answers precisely because we have one more year for prayer, sharing and deeper discernment. However, next October’s Synod will present concrete proposals to the Pope for his consideration.

The report was written in Italian and subsequently translated into English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. It will take a little bit of time to polish these translations and then the text will be freely available for you to read. I don’t know exactly when that will be, but it shouldn’t be too long.

The Closing Mass will be celebrated by Pope Francis tomorrow in St Peter Basilica at 9am (UK time). Thank you for your prayers and encouragement over the past month. They have been very much appreciated.