Masses for next week
Monday and Saturday morning there will be no masses. Tuesday and Thursday there will be mass in St. John’s Caol at 10am. Wednesday, there will be no mass or Eucharistic service, and Friday there will be mass at 10.15am in St. Mary’s. Weekend Masses as follows. The Vigil St. Mary’s, 6pm, Sunday morning, St. John’s 10am, St. Mary’s 11.15am, and Glenfinnan, 1.30pm, the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.
Streaming of masses
For those still unable to attend mass, we will continue to stream mass on “Friends of St. Mary’s” Facebook site. Masses will only be streamed on a Sunday at 11.15am. There will no longer be daily masses streamed.
Willie Gillies, Mary Cameron, Peggy Macdonald, Calum Macleod, Rodina Grant, Eileen Hill, Thomas Macpherson, Ronnie Gillies, Clement Kirby, Jessie Matheson, Calum Macdonald, Roddie Macdonald, Angele- Ona Laurinaviciene, Ted Timbrell, Peter Macdonald, Angus Macdougall.
There will be confessions in St. Mary’s every Saturday evening before the Vigil Mass from 5.15pm to 5.45 pm. And on request at any other time.
Fr. David, Retreat
I will be away on retreat from Sunday the 24th of April till Thursday the 28th of April. If there is an emergency, and you need to get hold of a priest. Please call Fr. Danny Convery in Roybridge on 01397-712-238.
Wearing of face masks
The Scottish Government announced this week that the wearing of face masks in places of worship is no longer compulsory, from Monday the 4th of April. If you still feel uncomfortable with this, please feel free to continue to wear your mask.
It is hoped in the not to distant future we will have a get together of all the baptised to take part in the Synodal process. This is an opportunity for each one of us, to let our voices be heard, and to hopefully build a church, suitable for all for the future.
Eddie Pryce R.I.P.
We pray for the happy repose of Eddie, to his family we offer our love and prayers at this time. The date and time for the funeral, will be announced soon.
With Kevin leaving to go to pastures new, we are in need of an organist to play on Sundays at St. Mary’s, and as required. If anyone knows of anyone who could help with this post, please contact Fr. David. There will be a salary commensurate to experience, and the time that they are able to give to the role.
St. Mary’s roof repairs, and the second phase of the painting of the church
The roof repairs, and the painting of the church are now complete. I want to thank Nodram painters, and all those who have help to contribute towards this large project. I am delighted with the how the church looks, I hope you the parishioners are as well. Our total is now £13,100 pounds. Many thanks indeed. Fr. David.
New Organ for St. Mary’s
We have been in discussions this week with Wyvern Organs, and it is hoped that the new organ will be installed by the end of May.
First Communions
It is with great joy that our children receive their first communion today. We pray for them and their parents that this communion will be the first of many.