Newsletter for the 2nd Sunday of Easter B

Parish Priest: St. Mary’s, Rev. David Connor

Parish Priest: St. John’s Caol and Glenfinnan, Rev. Walter Ezenwosu MSP

Deacon: Rev. Thomas Wynne

Masses for next week

·         Monday: The Annunciation of our Lord Mass St. Mary’s 10.15am

·         Tuesday: Mass in St. Mary’s, 10.15am

·         Wednesday: Mass in St. Mary’s 10.15am

·         Thursday: Eucharistic Service in St. Mary’s 10.15am

·         Friday: Eucharistic Service in St. Mary’s 10.15am

·         Saturday: Vigil, 6pm

·         Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass every Sunday at 1.30pm.





















Nora Gillies, Mary Cameron, Archie Mackinnon, Neil MacDougall, Willie MacGilvray,

Anne Forsyth, Elizabeth Vallelie, Thomas Macsorley, Charlie Macdonald, Ian Macnaughton,

Cathy Timbrell, Alastair MacDougall, Barnie Delaney, Mary MacDougall, Dave Williamson,

John Paul Steele, Donald Angus Campbell, Annie MacPherson, Willie Howieson, Mary Gillies, Charlie Macdonald, Kate Lucas, Fr. Graham Turner, Archie Macdonald.








First Holy Communions

It has been decided that with such low numbers that there will no first communions till next year.


Our date for Confirmations this year is Sunday the 16th of June at 11.15am in St. Mary’s, Fort William.

Thank you from the Johnston Family

Fr. Roddy Johnston’s family have asked me to thank you the people for your kindness and your prayers. It was very much appreciated.

Sister Therese R.I.P.

It is with great sadness we announce the death of Sister Therese, to her family, friends, and congregation we offer our love and prayers at this sad time. Thereses funeral will be held in New Zealand.

Return of S.C.I.A.F. boxes

Could you please return your Lenten S.C.I.A.F. boxes next Sunday. Thank you very much indeed for your generosity towards this fantastic cause.

Teas and Coffee’s after 11.15am Mass

It is proposed that we will have teas and coffees on the first Sunday of every month in St. Mary’s Church house. For those who can help, please let us know. All are most welcome.

Parish Pastoral Council Meeting

There will be a parish pastoral council meeting on Thursday the 25th of April at 7pm in St. Mary’s chapel house.