Newsletter for the 2nd Sunday of Advent C

Masses for next week

Monday and Saturday morning there will be no masses. Tuesday and Thursday there will be mass in St. John’s Caol at 10am. Wednesday and Friday there will be mass in St. Mary’s

Weekend Masses as follows. The Vigil St. Mary’s, 6pm, Sunday morning, St. John’s 10am, St. Mary’s 11.15am, and Glenfinnan, 1.30pm, the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.


Christmas Mass Times

Glenfinnan, Christmas Eve 6pm

St. John’s, Caol, Christmas Carols 11.30am, Mass at Midnight.

Christmas Day the 25th, St. John’s Caol, 10am.

St. Mary’s, Fort William, 11.15am.



Margaret Barron, Penny Kennedy, Alistair Semple, Angus Macdonald, Lachlan Wynne, Arthur McGinley, Margaret Macdonald, Marion Wynne, Rose McTaggart, Mary MacKellaig,              John Macdonlad, John and Mary Kelly, Margaret Culley, John Kearney, Mary Ann Morrison,                  Z. Anton Sporn, Cissie McCorgray, Sister Edmund Veronica, Catherine Milne, Mary Macleod, Alistair MacEachan, Cathetrine Bergin, Ina Laws, Michael McHale, Donald Grant,               Donald Macdonald, Annie McGhie.


There will be confessions in St. Mary’s every Saturday evening before the Vigil Mass from 5.15pm to 5.45 pm. And on request at any other time.

Pastoral Letter

Bishop Brian has issued a Pastoral Letter entitled, “Discerning Together God’s Path for our Diocese”. Please take a leaflet home and take the time to read it through.

Children’s Liturgy

We are hoping to restart the children’s liturgy again in St. Mary’s but for safeguarding regulations. We will need another two adults that have done the safeguarding course to help out. This is not a difficult course to go through, but without this there will be no Children’s Liturgy.

Exposition of the blessed sacrament

There will be exposition of the blessed sacrament every Friday morning after mass for half an hour.

Helping local families with Utilities and Food

At our Parish Council meeting we decided to earmark local families which would be most in need of help this winter. It was proposed that depending on the amount of money raised by the parishioners we will then decide how many families we can help.

We thank those who gave so generously to our collection, the monies raised where in the region of £1600 pounds, many thanks indeed for your generosity. Thirteen Hundred pounds of money has already been allocated to those most in need in our community.

Sacrament of Reconciliation before Christmas

We are blessed to have Fr. Danny Convery with us from Roybridge on Wednesday the 14th of December, to hear confessions. These will take place in St. Mary’s from 6pm till 7pm.

Please take the opportunity to avail yourselves of this beautiful sacrament before Christmas.

Stella Maris Magazine

There are some Stella Maris magazines at the back of the church, please help yourself to one.

St. Columba’s School Christmas Fair

This Thursday the 8th of December St. Columba’s are having their Christmas Fair, with Santa’s Grotto, Stalls, crafts, refreshments, etc, all are most welcome. Please come along and support our Catholic School 6-8pm.