Masses for next week
· Monday: No mass
· Tuesday: 10.15am no mass or Eucharistic service St. Mary’s. · Wednesday: 10:15 am mass at St. Mary’s · Thursday: 10.15am mass at St. Mary’s · Friday: Mass at 10:15 mass at St. Mary’s followed by Exposition. · Saturday: The Vigil at St. Mary’s at 6pm · Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass every Sunday at 1.30pm.
Christmas Masses
St. Mary’s, Christmas Vigil 24th of December 6pm
St. Mary’s, Christmas Day 25th of December 10.30am.
Margaret Macdonald, Marion Wynne, Rose Mactaggart, Mary MacKellaig, John Macdonald, John and Mary Alice Kelly, Margaret Culley, John Cairney, Mary Ann Morrison, Annie O’ Neil, Katherine Mackinnon, Mary Cameron, Joseph Macleod, Neil Maceachen, Murdo MacLeod, Mary Ann Kennedy, Sandra Vial, Christina Quinn, Robert Meek, Georgia Thomson, Janet Jones, Effie Macfall, Michael McHale, Donald Grant, Donald William MacDonald, Annie McGhie, Harold David Bole, Angus Macleod, Joseph Macleod, Arthur McGinley, Teresa MacDonald, Kathleen Sheldon, Effie Gillies, Margaret MacPherson, John Cameron,
Rokas Slezas.
ADVENT RETREAT PROGRAME: I was able to invite Fr Bernard Fox, a Mill Hill Father and Sister Sally Hyland to lead us in prayer. Our Retreat will take 3 days 12-14 December and will be filled with Spiritual Talks and Guidance for Parishioners. Retreat will consist of Morning Mass with Guidance and an evening meeting in the Club Room in Arisaig. There will also be a penitential service scheduled for Confessions. Our Retreat will have one of the most renowned preachers in Britain among Christian Communities! Mark the dates ????
Tuesday, 12th December:
- 10am Mass in Arisaig with Reflection
- 5pm Reflection in the Club Room in Arisaig
Wednesday, 13th December:
- 10am Mass in Mallaig with Penance Service and Spiritual Talk (opportunity for Confession afterwards)
- 5pm Reflection in the Club Room in Arisaig
Thursday, 14th December:
- 10am Mass in Arisaig with Reflection
Season of Advent
This Sunday starts the great season of Advent, where the church prepares to celebrate Christ’s Nativity, when we recall Christ’s first coming. As we remember so also, we look forward in faith to his Second Coming at the end of time. Advent is a period of joyful hope.
Please do all you can to create a space in your lives at this time, so that when Christmas comes upon us, we can enter fully into the mystery of the incarnation.
Bishop Brian’s Advent Talk
Bishop Brian will be giving an Advent Talk on Tuesday the 12th of December at 7pm in St. Mary’s. Please come along and support this event.
St. Mary’s, Decorating the Church for Christmas
It is proposed that we decorate St. Mary’s for Christmas on Wednesday the 13th of December at 6.30pm in the evening. To enable as many people as possible to come along and help.
Fr. Danny Convery Confessions
We are blessed to have Fr. Danny to hear confessions on Thursday the 14th of December at 6.30pm in St. Mary’s. This is a great chance to go to the sacrament before the celebration of Christmas.
Blessing of the Crib
On Sunday the 17th of December at 11.15am mass in St. Mary’s we will bless the crib. The more families and children that come along, make a huge difference.