Newsletter for the 26th Sunday of the Year B

Parish Finance in Lockdown Crisis

Many thanks to all who have handed in envelopes and donations during lockdown. It has made a great difference to the finances of the different parishes. Could you please continue to post your donations through the door of St. Mary’s Chapel house, Many thanks indeed.


Masses for next week

There will be no masses on Monday and Saturday morning of next week. The morning masses are as follows. There will be mass on Tuesday and Thursday, St. John’s Caol 10am, St. Mary’s, 10.15am Wednesday., and Friday. The weekend will be as usual. Vigil 6pm St. Mary’s, Sunday morning 10am, St. John’s Caol, and 11.15am in St. Mary’s, Glenfinnan, there will be mass on the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s of the month, till further notice.


Streaming of masses

For those still unable to attend mass, we will continue to stream mass on “Friends of St. Mary’s” Facebook site. Masses will only be streamed on a Sunday at 11.15am. There will no longer be daily masses streamed.



Thomas Joncia, John Maclellan, Helen Daley, Eileen Hill, Kathleen Austin, Jimmy Macdonald, Franz Spdrn, Bennie Daley, Alan Walker, Sandy Macfarlane, Margaret Cameron, Peter Macfarlane, Fr. John Angus Macdonald, Margaret Macdonald.


Sick Visits

We managed to get round all the sick in Fort William last week, and will visit Caol next week, anyone wishing a visit please let us know.





There will be confessions in St. Mary’s every Saturday evening before the Vigil Mass from 5.15pm to 5.45 pm. And on request at any other time.




Those children who do not attend St. Columba’s and are due to receive the sacraments, that is Primary Four and above, please get in touch with     Fr. David.

Due to restrictions with Covid, this year there will be a Diocesan Sacramental Programme, which will be led by Fr. Ronald Campbell. This will start on Thursday the 9th of September with a Parent and Child Enrolment at 7pm. All candidates must register before the 1st of September to, Fr. Ronald at,


St. Columba’s School

The children of St. Columba’s started their preparation for the sacraments this week. We thank Kevin Cameron for his work with teaching the children music. We ask that you keep them in your prayers at this most important time for them.


New Church Members

Recently there have been a number of enquiries from people wishing to join the church. Please feel free to approach Fr. David, or Deacon Thomas.


Covid Measures in the Churches

Covid measures have changed and relaxed slightly, but we have decided to keep all the current measures in place just to make sure everyone is kept safe and well.


Recently Dead R.I.P.

We pray for Theresa Anne Keil, Daughter of Maria and Peter Keil, and Tatjana Ludloorza, who died recently. To their families we offer our love and prayers at this sad time.


Railings in St. Mary’s Fort William

You will see that work has started on the new railings at St. Mary’s, we look forward to seeing them completed in the next few weeks.


St. Mary’s, Fort William

We have now received an estimated figure for the work to make the back wall secure, and the painting of the inside of the church. This will cost approximately £20,000.  I do realise that this not the best time to be asking for money, but this is essential work to the fabric of the church.  and it is hoped that it will start around the end of October. We will set up a separate fund to finance the project.


St. John’s Caol Church and Sacristy

The church and sacristy is needing a clearance before the winter. It is proposed that this will be done on Wednesday the 6th of October at 7pm. If we could have as many hands as possible. Thank you. Fr. David.

Parish Finance in Lockdown Crisis

Many thanks to all who have handed in envelopes and donations during lockdown. It has made a great difference to the finances of the different parishes. Could you please continue to post your donations through the door of St. Mary’s Chapel house, Many thanks indeed.


Masses for next week

There will be no masses on Monday and Saturday morning of next week. The morning masses are as follows. There will be mass on Tuesday and Thursday, St. John’s Caol 10am, St. Mary’s, 10.15am Wednesday., and Friday. The weekend will be as usual. Vigil 6pm St. Mary’s, Sunday morning 10am, St. John’s Caol, and 11.15am in St. Mary’s, Glenfinnan, there will be mass on the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s of the month, till further notice.


Streaming of masses

For those still unable to attend mass, we will continue to stream mass on “Friends of St. Mary’s” Facebook site. Masses will only be streamed on a Sunday at 11.15am. There will no longer be daily masses streamed.



Thomas Joncia, John Maclellan, Helen Daley, Eileen Hill, Kathleen Austin, Jimmy Macdonald, Franz Spdrn, Bennie Daley, Alan Walker, Sandy Macfarlane, Margaret Cameron, Peter Macfarlane, Fr. John Angus Macdonald, Margaret Macdonald.


Sick Visits

We managed to get round all the sick in Fort William last week, and will visit Caol next week, anyone wishing a visit please let us know.





There will be confessions in St. Mary’s every Saturday evening before the Vigil Mass from 5.15pm to 5.45 pm. And on request at any other time.




Those children who do not attend St. Columba’s and are due to receive the sacraments, that is Primary Four and above, please get in touch with     Fr. David.

Due to restrictions with Covid, this year there will be a Diocesan Sacramental Programme, which will be led by Fr. Ronald Campbell. This will start on Thursday the 9th of September with a Parent and Child Enrolment at 7pm. All candidates must register before the 1st of September to, Fr. Ronald at,


St. Columba’s School

The children of St. Columba’s started their preparation for the sacraments this week. We thank Kevin Cameron for his work with teaching the children music. We ask that you keep them in your prayers at this most important time for them.


New Church Members

Recently there have been a number of enquiries from people wishing to join the church. Please feel free to approach Fr. David, or Deacon Thomas.


Covid Measures in the Churches

Covid measures have changed and relaxed slightly, but we have decided to keep all the current measures in place just to make sure everyone is kept safe and well.


Recently Dead R.I.P.

We pray for Theresa Anne Keil, Daughter of Maria and Peter Keil, and Tatjana Ludloorza, who died recently. To their families we offer our love and prayers at this sad time.


Railings in St. Mary’s Fort William

You will see that work has started on the new railings at St. Mary’s, we look forward to seeing them completed in the next few weeks.


St. Mary’s, Fort William

We have now received an estimated figure for the work to make the back wall secure, and the painting of the inside of the church. This will cost approximately £20,000.  I do realise that this not the best time to be asking for money, but this is essential work to the fabric of the church.  and it is hoped that it will start around the end of October. We will set up a separate fund to finance the project.


St. John’s Caol Church and Sacristy

The church and sacristy is needing a clearance before the winter. It is proposed that this will be done on Wednesday the 6th of October at 7pm. If we could have as many hands as possible. Thank you. Fr. David.

Parish Finance in Lockdown Crisis

Many thanks to all who have handed in envelopes and donations during lockdown. It has made a great difference to the finances of the different parishes. Could you please continue to post your donations through the door of St. Mary’s Chapel house, Many thanks indeed.


Masses for next week

There will be no masses on Monday and Saturday morning of next week. The morning masses are as follows. There will be mass on Tuesday and Thursday, St. John’s Caol 10am, St. Mary’s, 10.15am Wednesday., and Friday. The weekend will be as usual. Vigil 6pm St. Mary’s, Sunday morning 10am, St. John’s Caol, and 11.15am in St. Mary’s, Glenfinnan, there will be mass on the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s of the month, till further notice.


Streaming of masses

For those still unable to attend mass, we will continue to stream mass on “Friends of St. Mary’s” Facebook site. Masses will only be streamed on a Sunday at 11.15am. There will no longer be daily masses streamed.



Thomas Joncia, John Maclellan, Helen Daley, Eileen Hill, Kathleen Austin, Jimmy Macdonald, Franz Spdrn, Bennie Daley, Alan Walker, Sandy Macfarlane, Margaret Cameron, Peter Macfarlane, Fr. John Angus Macdonald, Margaret Macdonald.


Sick Visits

We managed to get round all the sick in Fort William last week, and will visit Caol next week, anyone wishing a visit please let us know.





There will be confessions in St. Mary’s every Saturday evening before the Vigil Mass from 5.15pm to 5.45 pm. And on request at any other time.




Those children who do not attend St. Columba’s and are due to receive the sacraments, that is Primary Four and above, please get in touch with     Fr. David.

Due to restrictions with Covid, this year there will be a Diocesan Sacramental Programme, which will be led by Fr. Ronald Campbell. This will start on Thursday the 9th of September with a Parent and Child Enrolment at 7pm. All candidates must register before the 1st of September to, Fr. Ronald at,


St. Columba’s School

The children of St. Columba’s started their preparation for the sacraments this week. We thank Kevin Cameron for his work with teaching the children music. We ask that you keep them in your prayers at this most important time for them.


New Church Members

Recently there have been a number of enquiries from people wishing to join the church. Please feel free to approach Fr. David, or Deacon Thomas.


Covid Measures in the Churches

Covid measures have changed and relaxed slightly, but we have decided to keep all the current measures in place just to make sure everyone is kept safe and well.


Recently Dead R.I.P.

We pray for Theresa Anne Keil, Daughter of Maria and Peter Keil, and Tatjana Ludloorza, who died recently. To their families we offer our love and prayers at this sad time.


Railings in St. Mary’s Fort William

You will see that work has started on the new railings at St. Mary’s, we look forward to seeing them completed in the next few weeks.


St. Mary’s, Fort William

We have now received an estimated figure for the work to make the back wall secure, and the painting of the inside of the church. This will cost approximately £20,000.  I do realise that this not the best time to be asking for money, but this is essential work to the fabric of the church.  and it is hoped that it will start around the end of October. We will set up a separate fund to finance the project.


St. John’s Caol Church and Sacristy

The church and sacristy is needing a clearance before the winter. It is proposed that this will be done on Wednesday the 6th of October at 7pm. If we could have as many hands as possible. Thank you. Fr. David.

Parish Finance in Lockdown Crisis

Many thanks to all who have handed in envelopes and donations during lockdown. It has made a great difference to the finances of the different parishes. Could you please continue to post your donations through the door of St. Mary’s Chapel house, Many thanks indeed.


Masses for next week

There will be no masses on Monday and Saturday morning of next week. The morning masses are as follows. There will be mass on Tuesday and Thursday, St. John’s Caol 10am, St. Mary’s, 10.15am Wednesday., and Friday. The weekend will be as usual. Vigil 6pm St. Mary’s, Sunday morning 10am, St. John’s Caol, and 11.15am in St. Mary’s, Glenfinnan, there will be mass on the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s of the month, till further notice.


Streaming of masses

For those still unable to attend mass, we will continue to stream mass on “Friends of St. Mary’s” Facebook site. Masses will only be streamed on a Sunday at 11.15am. There will no longer be daily masses streamed.



Thomas Joncia, John Maclellan, Helen Daley, Eileen Hill, Kathleen Austin, Jimmy Macdonald, Franz Spdrn, Bennie Daley, Alan Walker, Sandy Macfarlane, Margaret Cameron, Peter Macfarlane, Fr. John Angus Macdonald, Margaret Macdonald.


Sick Visits

We managed to get round all the sick in Fort William last week, and will visit Caol next week, anyone wishing a visit please let us know.





There will be confessions in St. Mary’s every Saturday evening before the Vigil Mass from 5.15pm to 5.45 pm. And on request at any other time.




Those children who do not attend St. Columba’s and are due to receive the sacraments, that is Primary Four and above, please get in touch with     Fr. David.

Due to restrictions with Covid, this year there will be a Diocesan Sacramental Programme, which will be led by Fr. Ronald Campbell. This will start on Thursday the 9th of September with a Parent and Child Enrolment at 7pm. All candidates must register before the 1st of September to, Fr. Ronald at,


St. Columba’s School

The children of St. Columba’s started their preparation for the sacraments this week. We thank Kevin Cameron for his work with teaching the children music. We ask that you keep them in your prayers at this most important time for them.


New Church Members

Recently there have been a number of enquiries from people wishing to join the church. Please feel free to approach Fr. David, or Deacon Thomas.


Covid Measures in the Churches

Covid measures have changed and relaxed slightly, but we have decided to keep all the current measures in place just to make sure everyone is kept safe and well.


Recently Dead R.I.P.

We pray for Theresa Anne Keil, Daughter of Maria and Peter Keil, and Tatjana Ludloorza, who died recently. To their families we offer our love and prayers at this sad time.


Railings in St. Mary’s Fort William

You will see that work has started on the new railings at St. Mary’s, we look forward to seeing them completed in the next few weeks.


St. Mary’s, Fort William

We have now received an estimated figure for the work to make the back wall secure, and the painting of the inside of the church. This will cost approximately £20,000.  I do realise that this not the best time to be asking for money, but this is essential work to the fabric of the church.  and it is hoped that it will start around the end of October. We will set up a separate fund to finance the project.


St. John’s Caol Church and Sacristy

The church and sacristy is needing a clearance before the winter. It is proposed that this will be done on Wednesday the 6th of October at 7pm. If we could have as many hands as possible. Thank you. Fr. David.

Parish Finance in Lockdown Crisis

Many thanks to all who have handed in envelopes and donations during lockdown. It has made a great difference to the finances of the different parishes. Could you please continue to post your donations through the door of St. Mary’s Chapel house, Many thanks indeed.


Masses for next week

There will be no masses on Monday and Saturday morning of next week. The morning masses are as follows. There will be mass on Tuesday and Thursday, St. John’s Caol 10am, St. Mary’s, 10.15am Wednesday., and Friday. The weekend will be as usual. Vigil 6pm St. Mary’s, Sunday morning 10am, St. John’s Caol, and 11.15am in St. Mary’s, Glenfinnan, there will be mass on the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s of the month, till further notice.

Streaming of masses

For those still unable to attend mass, we will continue to stream mass on “Friends of St. Mary’s” Facebook site. Masses will only be streamed on a Sunday at 11.15am. There will no longer be daily masses streamed.



Thomas Joncia, John Maclellan, Helen Daley, Eileen Hill, Kathleen Austin, Jimmy Macdonald, Franz Spdrn, Bennie Daley, Alan Walker, Sandy Macfarlane, Margaret Cameron, Peter Macfarlane, Fr. John Angus Macdonald, Margaret Macdonald.

Sick Visits

We managed to get round all the sick in Fort William last week, and will visit Caol next week, anyone wishing a visit please let us know.



There will be confessions in St. Mary’s every Saturday evening before the Vigil Mass from 5.15pm to 5.45 pm. And on request at any other time.


Those children who do not attend St. Columba’s and are due to receive the sacraments, that is Primary Four and above, please get in touch with     Fr. David.

Due to restrictions with Covid, this year there will be a Diocesan Sacramental Programme, which will be led by Fr. Ronald Campbell. This will start on Thursday the 9th of September with a Parent and Child Enrolment at 7pm. All candidates must register before the 1st of September to, Fr. Ronald at,

St. Columba’s School

The children of St. Columba’s started their preparation for the sacraments this week. We thank Kevin Cameron for his work with teaching the children music. We ask that you keep them in your prayers at this most important time for them.

New Church Members

Recently there have been a number of enquiries from people wishing to join the church. Please feel free to approach Fr. David, or Deacon Thomas.

Covid Measures in the Churches

Covid measures have changed and relaxed slightly, but we have decided to keep all the current measures in place just to make sure everyone is kept safe and well.

Recently Dead R.I.P.

We pray for Theresa Anne Keil, Daughter of Maria and Peter Keil, and Tatjana Ludloorza, who died recently. To their families we offer our love and prayers at this sad time.

Railings in St. Mary’s Fort William

You will see that work has started on the new railings at St. Mary’s, we look forward to seeing them completed in the next few weeks.

St. Mary’s, Fort William

We have now received an estimated figure for the work to make the back wall secure, and the painting of the inside of the church. This will cost approximately £20,000.  I do realise that this not the best time to be asking for money, but this is essential work to the fabric of the church.  and it is hoped that it will start around the end of October. We will set up a separate fund to finance the project.

St. John’s Caol Church and Sacristy

The church and sacristy is needing a clearance before the winter. It is proposed that this will be done on Wednesday the 6th of October at 7pm. If we could have as many hands as possible. Thank you. Fr. David.