Newsletter for the 23rd Sunday A

Masses for next week

·         Monday: No mass

·         Tuesday: 10:00 am Eucharistic Service at St. John’s Caol.

·         Wednesday: 10.15am Eucharistic Service St. Mary’s

·         Thursday: 10am Eucharistic Service St. John’s Caol  

·         Friday: 10.15am St. Mary’s

·         Saturday: The Vigil at St. Mary’s at 6pm

·         Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass on the first and third Sunday’s, 1.30pm.
















ECCLESTIASTICAL STUDENTS FUND (ESF)Next weekend should be our annual Collection for Ecclesiastical Students,


Next weekend should be our annual Collection for Ecclesiastical Students, who are seminarians. Unfortunately, our diocese presently has no one studying for the priesthood. However, the diocese has recently ordained or brought on loan several priests. Over 12 months the diocese will spend about £20,000 settling these new priests, but this has been well worth it, as their presence has been supportive to both our clergy and the eight parishes that will be served. Therefore, since we have no students, this year’s Second Collection, instead of going to the ESP, will help with the costs incurred in ensuring every parish in the diocese is served by a priest. Thank you for your generosity. The ESF envelope can still be used. Bishop Brain


Evelyn McGee, Rita McCaffery, Margaret Laverock, William Jones, Ian Macmaster, Mary Macleod, Margaret Cairns, Goerge Mackinnon, Brian Wynne, Donny Kennedy, James Currie, Maureen Halligan, Neil Campbell, Ena Macdonald, Frank Gribben, Nellie Hayes, Joe McHugh, Kathleen Lucas, Margaret Chisolm, Allan Currie, Donald, MacNeil, David Donaldson, Carmela Boni.

Church Cleaning

Thanks to those who helped with the church cleaning. Much appreciated. Fr. David.

Clergy meetings Oban

I will be away from Tuesday to Thursday next week in Oban, at the yearly clergy meetings.

Peggy Walker R.I.P.

Peggy was the very first Associate of the St Josephites here in Scotland.

She was very active for them in St Mary’s Nairn where St Mary of the Cross stayed when travelling from Fort William to Aberdeen.

Peggy was a regular attender of St John’s when staying in Caol, may she rest in peace.


(Weekend 9th and 10th September)

LED BY THE Spirit Phase 2 – Consultation on our Diocesan Resources

By visiting or through the diocesan website you can learn much about our diocesan resources. For example, in sections 5,6 and 7 you can discover statistics regarding worship in every parish and therefore right across the diocese over the past five years. Likewise, the financial position of every parish and the diocese is presented, also over a five-year period.

Cille Choirill Mass

Cille Choirill – last summer mass to be celebrated on Sunday 17th September, 3pm.

Baptism Ruben Mackay

It is with great joy that we welcomed Ruben into the life of the church. To his parents, godparents and family and friends, we wish him health and joy following Jesus.

Fr. Walter

As most of you now know Fr. Walter will be coming to the parishes of St. John’s Caol, and St. Mary’s and St. Finnan, Glenfinnan on Friday the 27th of October. It is hoped that by that time the parish house in Caol will be vacant, and Fr. Walter will stay there for the foreseeable future. This is quite a change for all of us. I will no longer be your parish priest. Fr. Walter will be in charge of both Caol and Glenfinnan, The Bishop has asked that the mass times at the weekend do not change as he would like in the case of illness or holidays that the parishes can still be served by one priest. Fr. Walter will need help from you the parishioners to give him time to settle in and make the house comfortable for him. Nearer the time we will be asking for help from the community, please if you can do your best to help us and Fr. Walter to settle into Lochaber, so that his time here may be fruitful.

Fr. David Connor, P.P.