Masses for next week
· Monday: No mass
· Tuesday: 10:00 am mass at St. John’s Caol. · Wednesday: 10.15am mass at St. Mary’s · Thursday: 10am mass at St. John’s Caol · Friday: 10.15am Requiem Mass for · Saturday: The Vigil at St. Mary’s at 6pm · Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass on the first and third Sunday’s, 1.30pm. |
Jim Macleod, Catherine Macleod, Alan Kennedy, Charles McKinney, Mary Theresa Wolin,
John Harrison, Duncan Kennedy,, Neil Gillies, John Leddy, Eileen Buchanan, John Joseph MacInnes, Jimmy Mackinnon, Martin Duncan, Allan Kennedy, Thomas McHale, Nora Watt, Maria Sporn, Morag Skinner.
Maisie Tully R.I.P.
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Maisie to her family and friends we offer our love and prayers at this time. Maisie’s Requiem Mass will be in St. Mary’s, Fort William on Friday the 1st of September at 10.15am, all are welcome.
Children’s Liturgy
We are delighted to have our Children’s Liturgy back. Thankyou to the parents, children and those who help.
Many thanks to those who gave so generously to the Sick and retired priests fund. We raised just short of £900 pounds from the three parishes.
Visitors to Lochaber
We give a warm Lochaber welcome to those who are visiting us from all different parts of the world and pray that your time with us is refreshing and joyful.
Transport to Mass
A number of people have mentioned to me that they cannot get to mass because they have no one to take them. If anyone is in this position, please get in touch with myself or Deacon Thomas, and we will arrange a lift. Fr. David.
Considering becoming a Catholic
If anyone is considering the possibility of becoming a Catholic and coming into full communion with the church do not hesitate to get in touch with myself or Deacon Thomas. Fr. David.
(Weekend 26th/27th August)
LED BY THE Spirit Phase 2 – Consultation on our Diocesan Resources
By visiting or through the diocesan website you can learn much about our diocesan resources. A lot of information has been provided but this is necessary to understand the diocese. However, it is not advisable to try and read it all in one go. This is why the material has been separated into various sections and each can be reached via the relevant link. Therefore, you can read as much or as little as you want, at your own pace and when it suits you best.
For example, the first section suggests several resources we have. Do you agree with them? Is there anything you would add? In the second section you can discover interesting facts like the size of the diocese, the number of priests, parishioners, Churches, and Sunday Masses.
Deanery Meeting
Our Deanery will meet this Tuesday at 12.30pm in St. Mary’s, please pray for the priests and the Deacons that this will be a fruitful meeting.