Newsletter for the 14th Sunday A

Masses for next week

·         Monday: No mass

·         Tuesday: 10:00 am mass at St. John’s Caol

·         Wednesday: 10.15am mass at St. Mary’s

·         Thursday:10am mass at St. John’s Caol  

·         Friday: 10.15am mass in St. Mary’s, followed by exposition of the blessed sacrament.

·         Saturday: The Vigil at St. Mary’s at 6pm

·         Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass on the first and third Sunday’s, 1.30pm.














Betty Findlay, Michael Austin, Yoosefa Parfenovich, Patricia Dayne’s, Patrick Forester, James Andrew Mackenzie, Morag Smith, Mae Downs, Robert Alexander Macdonald,                 Erna Harrsion, Martin Harrison, Violet Murphy, William O’ Kane, Mary Cameron, Mary Ulph, John Donaldson, Catherine Macleod, Mary Jane Campbell, Eugene McCaffrey, Jim McHugh, Ina Macdonald, James McConnell, Brian Forry, Thomas Archibald, Patrick Macpherson, Christine Phillpot.

Visitors to Lochaber

We give a warm Lochaber welcome to those who are visiting us from all different parts of the world and pray that your time with us is refreshing and joyful.

Church Cleaning

Many thanks to those who helped with the church cleaning it was much appreciated. Fr. David.

Lewis Jordan (Louie)

It is with sadness that we announce the death of Louis Jordan, to his friends and family we offer our love and our prayers at this sad time. His funeral service will take place on Saturday the 15th of July at 11am in St. Mary’s. All are most welcome.

Day for Life

This Sunday there will be a second collection at all masses for Day for Life. Please be as generous as you can.

Transport to Mass

A number of people have mentioned to me that they cannot get to mass because they have no one to take them. If anyone is in this position, please get in touch with myself or Deacon Thomas, and we will arrange a lift. Fr. David.

Considering becoming a Catholic

If anyone is considering the possibility of becoming a Catholic and coming into full communion with the church do not hesitate to get in touch with myself or Deacon Thomas. Fr. David.


Led by the Spirit: Collated Document from Phase 1

Thank you to everyone who participated during the Consultation Phase 1. The responses from parishes have now been collated into a single document. It is interesting and uplifting to read the comments from all over the diocese from laity and clergy as we discern together God’s call for us today. It is a real expression of faith and hope. Please read the document prayerfully – alone or with others – noting which statements attracts or challenges you and ask where the Spirit is moving. The document can be read at

Phase 2 – Our Diocesan Resources -will begin during August.

Deacon Thomas

We welcome back Deacon Thomas after his well-deserved break.