Masses for next week
· Monday: No mass
· Tuesday: Mass in St. Mary’s, 10.15am · Wednesday: Mass in St. Mary’s, 10.15am · Thursday: Mass in St. Mary’s, 10.15am · Friday: Mass in St. Mary’s, 10.15am · Saturday: Vigil, 6pm · Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass on the first and third Sundays at 1.30pm.
Elizabeth Confield, Andrew Morrice, Donald John Gallagher, Fr. John Morrison, James Alexander Keenan, Rachel Allsion, Dolly Cassidy, Jackie Russell, Varie Mackinnon,
Martin Harrison, Greg McKee, Masie Grant, James MacGregor, Joseph Tullly, Jimmy Keenan, Ena Morrison, John Macdonald, Catherine MacKinnon, John McConnell, Barrie Mackinnon, Mary Clabby, Flora Currie, Christine Morrison, Mary Fitzsimons, David Macdonald.
Many congratulations to our children who made their sacrament of Confirmation today.
May the joy of the Holy Spirit be in their hearts.
Led by the Spirit Phase 3
Please take away with you Bishop Brian’s Pastoral Letter concerning Led by the Spirit Phase 3. The bishop reflects on our call to holiness and our mission of proclaiming Christ. In our much-changed environment what steps are needed to faithfully fulfil our mission? Discernment calls for boldness, honesty and respectful listening but especially for an openness to the Spirit’s promptings. Everyone is encouraged to participate. The method for the parish gatherings will be the Conversation in the Spirit. Background information about Conversation in the Spirit, lay ministries and potential Church structures can be found on
Standing Orders
Many thanks to those who have taken out standing orders, this has made a huge difference to the parishes, particularly in saving us hundreds of pounds in Gift Aid envelopes. In the next week weeks, we will be asking parishioners in St. John’s Caol if they would be good enough to go to standing orders. Thank you for your continued help and support in this matter. Fr. David.
Cille Choirill Mass: our first summer mass will be on Sunday 23rd June, 2pm. Mass will be followed by a talk given by Kenny Mackintosh at 3pm on Cille Choirrill Church and Cemetery from the earliest time to the present day, History and Legends. Including a guided walk around the cemetery. Weather permitting.
St. Margaret’s Pilgrimage
There will be a day of pilgrimage for St. Margaret which will on Sunday the 23rd of June staring at 12.30pm in Dunfermline Abbey, concluding with mass in St. Margaret’s church.
All are most welcome.
Loudfence at St. Columba’s Cathedral Oban
Loudfence aims to acknowledge victims and survivors of abuse in every setting; it involves tying LOUD (brightly coloured) ribbons and messages of support in public places to give people a voice, to raise awareness in the community and to work to end abuse.
This will be held outside St. Columba’s cathedral Oban from Sunday the 30th of June till Monday 1st July from 9.0amm to 9.00pm.