Newsletter 3rd Sunday of the Year A

Masses for next week

·         Monday: No mass

·         Tuesday: 10:00 am mass at St. John’s Caol

·         Wednesday: 10:15 am mass at St. Mary’s

·         Thursday: Mass at 10:00 am at St. John’s Caol

·         Friday: Mass at 10:15 am at St. Mary’s followed by the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass

·         Saturday: The Vigil at St. Mary’s at 6pm

·         Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass on the first and third Sunday’s.














Ina Macnaughton, Morag Gillies, Marie Macleod, Karen Steike, Willie Gillies, Mary Cameron, Peggy Macdonald, Calum Macleod, Sister Mary Harrison, Billy Corrigan, Ronnie Gillies, Clement Kirby, Jessie Matheson, Calum Macdonald, Roddy Macdonald, Ted Timbrell,            Peter Macdonald, Angele-Ona Laurinaviciene.

Children’s Liturgy

We have re started the Children’s Liturgy at St. Mary’s. We encourage all children to participate.

Spirit Prayer Cards

Please help yourselves to a prayer card which will help to lead us in our discernment of the future of the diocese.

S.C.I.A.F. Wee Boxes

The Wee boxes for the great work that S.C.I.A.F. does are now due to be handed in. Please hand them in as soon as you can.

St. John’s Caol

Thanks to all who gave along and gave of their time to the work at St. John’s it was much appreciated.

We hope to have another workday fairly soon.


Many thanks to Newco for their refurbishment of the church bell mounting and frame.

Message from Miss Leah Burns, to the Parents and Children of St. Columba’s School

I want to start by thanking you all- from the school and the Church- we really appreciate the commitment and dedication shown thus far. We would like to continue to encourage you to attend the local masses as frequently as possible on the run up to the First Holy Communion sacrament and after. We have decided to stay with the Thursday as that has worked so far and is working best for us due to lots of other commitments- I am sorry if this does not suit everyone. On the poster I have listed the dates, times, and venue- it is unlikely that these will change but we will try to give you as much advance warning as possible if something does need to change. If you know in advance of any dates, you can’t make please let us know.

I hope you will all be as excited as I am to see we have set a date for the two sacraments.

Sunday the 14th of May after 11,15am mass in St. Mary’s.

Sunday the 25th of June St. Mary’s First Holy Communion 11.15am.

Isobel MacEachan R.I.P.

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Isobel. To David and the family, we offer our love and our prayers at this time. Isobel’s funeral will be in the Duncansburgh on Saturday the 29th of April at 12noon.

Parish Finance Committee

This Thursday evening at 5pm we will have a Parish Finance meeting in St. Mary’s Chapel House. Please attend if you can.