Newsletter, 2nd Sunday of Easter, 16th of April 2023

Newsletter, 2nd Sunday of Easter, 16th of April 2023

St Mary’s — Tel: +44(0) 1397702174   email:

St John’s —   email:

Scottish Charity No: SCOO2876

Parish Priest:  Rev. David Connor

Deacon:          Rev. Thomas Wynne

Masses for next week

·         Monday: No mass

·         Tuesday: 10:00 am mass at St. John’s Caol

·         Wednesday: 10:15 am mass at St. Mary’s

·         Thursday: Eucharistic Service at 10:00 am at St. John’s Caol

·         Friday: Eucharistic Service at 10:15 am at St. Mary’s followed by the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass

·         Saturday: The Vigil at St. Mary’s at 6pm

·         Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass on the first and third Sunday’s.




Thomas Mackinnon, Krystyna Wilk, Dr. Charles Connochie, Mary Kate Phillips, John Lindsay, Elizabeth Gribben John MacMaster, Bernard (Brian) Kearney, Gladys Stewart, Peter Smith, Nancy Sweeny, Rachael Swainson, Gladys Stewart, Annie Johnston, Joseph O’ Connor and Christina Cameron.

 Children’s Liturgy

We have re started the Children’s Liturgy at St. Mary’s. We encourage all children to participate.

Spirit Prayer Cards

Please help yourselves to a prayer card which will help to lead us in our discernment of the future of the diocese.

S.C.I.A.F. Wee Boxes

The Wee boxes for the great work that S.C.I.A.F. does are now due to be handed in. Please hand them in as soon as you can.

Easter Services:

I would just like to thank those who turned up in such numbers to the Easter Services. It was very heartening to see the Parishes so joyful and alive.

The older organ at St. Mary’s

Many thanks to those who gave of their time and effort to take away the old organ. Particular thanks to Tommy Laggan. We are hoping in the near future to renovate the Lady chapel which will be a project for this year.

St. John’s Caol

It is hoped that our work party will meet on Saturday , the 22nd of April from 9 am to 1:00 pm to do some painting and tidying up of the church and grounds. If you are fit and able please turn up and support us.


Many thanks to Newco for their refurbishment of the church bell mounting and frame.