Masses for next week
Monday and Saturday morning there will be no masses. Tuesday and Thursday there will be mass in St. John’s Caol at 10am, Wednesday and Friday there will be mass at 10.15am in St. Mary’s. Weekend Masses as follows. The Vigil St. Mary’s, 6pm, Sunday morning, St. John’s 10am, St. Mary’s 11.15am, and Glenfinnan, 1.30pm, the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month
Streaming of masses
After consultation we have decided to no longer stream masses on a Sunday.
Eddie Campbell, Mary Cairns, Jimmy Macdonald, Scott Brady, Angus MacPherson, Larry Lenkas, George Macfarlane, Jessie Fitzsimons, Mary McCarthy, Janet McCaffrey, Archie Macleod, John McAuley, Charlene Masclet, Carmen Mages, Alan Smith, Dolina Macdonald.
There will be confessions in St. Mary’s every Saturday evening before the Vigil Mass from 5.15pm to 5.45 pm. And on request at any other time.
Official Prayer for the World Meeting of Families
At the back of the church are prayer cards for the World Meeting of Families. Please help yourself to one and pray for the success of the meeting.
Pilgrimage to Carfin for the relics of St. Bernadette
Despite the weather, I think we all enjoyed our visit to Carfin on Friday. Hopefully each of us will benefit spiritually from the day.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Those children who wish to make their Confirmation, please could you come along to catechesis after mass in St. Mary’s. Starting Sunday the 18th of September. I haven’t a date yet for the Confirmations yet, but it will probably be the beginning of November.
Children’s Liturgy
We are hoping to restart the children’s liturgy again in St. Mary’s but for safeguarding regulations. We will need another two adults that have done the safeguarding course to help out. This is not a difficult course to go through, but without this there will be no Children’s Liturgy.
Parish Council Meeting
We held our first Parish Pastoral Council meeting this week, and it was a great success.
The main points that came out of the meeting were, starting some kind of group for the children of the parish, hoping to get a SVDP group up and running to help in the community with those who are struggling, to have more contact with the school and more regular masses with he children and parishioners. And generally, to see where the greatest need is in our parishes and community.
Ukraine Family
Some people have asked me what is happening regarding our Ukrainian family. Unfortunately, we are still wating to hear details from the government agencies but have done all that has been asked at this stage of the procedure.
John Macphail R.I.P.
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of John Macphail, to his family and friends we offer our love and prayers. John’s funeral service will be on Thursday the 6th of October at 11am, in St. John’s Caol.
Exposition of the blessed sacrament
We propose to expose the blessed sacrament every Friday, staring October the 7th for half an hour. All are most welcome.
Church Cleaning
There will be church cleaning in St. Mary’s on Friday the 7th of October after mass. There will be no church cleaning in St. John’s due to the funeral taking place.