Masses for next week
· Monday: No mass
· Tuesday: Mass in St. Mary’s, 10.15am · Wednesday: Mass in St. Mary’s, 10.15am · Thursday: Mass will be at 11.30am in St. John’s Caol, and will be the Requiem Mass for Wendy O’ Brien · Friday: Mass in St. Mary’s, 10.15am · Saturday: Vigil, 6pm · Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass on the first and third Sundays at 1.30pm.
Morning Mass St. John’s Caol
As there is no morning mass in Caol for the next two months. Anyone wishing to attend mass in St. Mary’s who is having difficulty with transport, please contact, Deacon Thomas.
John Bremner, May Macdonald, Linda Hunter, Mark Stokes, Norman MacInnes,
Teresa Archibald, Margaret Morrison, Tam McEwan, Christopher Cooney, Tommy McKinney, Sheena MacDonald, Frances Kane, Chrissie Cameron, Charles Kennedy, Mima Macdonald, Patricia Hogg, John Macdonald, Alan T. Rose, James Macintyre, Archie Gillies.
Our date for Confirmations this year is Sunday the 16th of June at 11.15am in St. Mary’s, Fort William.
Gardening Day
Thanks to all who helped yesterday with the work in the garden it was much appreciated.
Fr. David.
Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ
When Jesus spoke of the living bread come down from heaven, Jesus’ audience had problems understanding him, but he refused to compromise. He insisted that those who eat his flesh and drink his blood live in him, and he in them.
Teas and Coffees St. Mary’s Fort William
This Sunday the 2nd of June we will have teas and coffees in the house. Please come along and support us coming together as a community. Visitors are most welcome.
Wendy O’ Brien R.I.P.
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Wendy, to her family and friends we offer our love and prayers at this sad time for them. Wendy’s Requiem Mass will be held in St. John’s Caol, on Thursday the 6th of June at 11.30am. All are most welcome.
Angus Cameron R.I.P.
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Angus, to Louisa, and her family and friends we offer our love and prayers at this sad time for them.
Wedding Glenfinnan
Many congratulations to Kathleen and Drew Howie who were married yesterday in Glenfinnan.
May they be blessed with health, and happiness in their married life together.
Led by the Spirit Phase 3
Phase 3 of Led by the Spirit begins on the weekend of 8th and 9th June, coinciding with the Feast of St Columba. The third and final phase of our diocesan discernment process reflects on what is needed for us to live out our mission more fully. We are looking for concrete proposals. A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Brian will be distributed, and background materials will be available on next weekend.