Margaret Wardrop, Margaret Pryce, Harry Deeny, Michael Mccartney, Neil MacVarish, Canon Calum MacNeill, Harry Deeney, Eileen Cameron, Peggy Cameron, Charles Fitzsimons, Alister Matheson, Archie Macdonald, John Maguire, Michael Mceleney, Flora Buchanan, Ann Marie Donoghue.
Thank you to all who continue to work in tracking and tracing and cleaning the churches
We give thanks to all who are working so tirelessly to keep our churches safe and open, at this time. Many people have asked if they have to book to come along to mass, during the week, or at the weekend. There are always plenty spaces, and you are all most welcome.
Christmas Wishes
On behalf of myself and Deacon Thomas, can I thank most sincerely those parishioners who have sent cards and gifts to us at this time. It is very much appreciated. We wish all parishioners and friends of the Lochaber Cluster, a very happy Christmas, and health in the New Year.
Due to covid restrictions there will not be another confessor available this year. I will be available myself for confessions by appointment. Please phone the parish house to book.
The MacEachan Family
It is with great joy that we welcome the MacEachan family into full communion with the church. May they be blessed with the joy of the Lord, in their faith journey.
Gift Aid Envelopes, St. Mary’s
Those who pay by Gift Aid envelopes, please check your number on the list, as they have all been changed recently.
Thank you
As we all know this has been an extremely challenging year for us all, not least trying to keep our churches open and safe. This has meant a lot of hard work for a significant amount of people. I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have worked so hard to keep things going. Thank you very much indeed. Fr. David.
New restrictions upon numbers at church from Boxing Day
From Boxing Day there have been new restrictions placed on all the churches for numbers, as we move from tier 1, to tier 4. The new restrictions mean that masses are limited to twenty people. I would ask that those of you who can come to mass during the week continue to do so, and make spaces available to those who are unable to attend through the week. If you wish to go to mass either on Saturday Vigil the 26th at 6pm, please phone, John Duggan on 701071.
Or Sunday St. John’s Caol 10am, Margaret MacMaster on, 07801428920, or Sunday St. Mary’s Fort William, Patricia Jordan, 698912, 11.15am. We will stream mass every Sunday at 11.15am on Friends of St. Mary’s Fort William.