Parish Finance in Lockdown Crisis
Many thanks to all who have handed in envelopes and donations during lockdown. It has made a great difference to the finances of the different parishes. Could you please continue to post your donations through the door of St. Mary’s chapel house. Many thanks indeed.
Masses for next week
There will be no masses on Monday and Saturday morning of next week. The morning masses are as follows. There will be mass on Tuesday and Thursday, St. John’s Caol 10am, St. Mary’s, 10.15am, Wednesday and Friday. The weekend will be as usual. Vigil 6pm St. Mary’s, Sunday morning 10am, St. John’s Caol, and 11.15am in St. Mary’s, Glenfinnan, there will be mass on the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s of the month, till further notice.
Streaming of masses
For those still unable to attend mass, we will continue to stream mass on “Friends of St. Mary’s” Facebook site.
Mgr. Neil Mcgrory, Marie Maclean, Helen Macdonald, Benny Delaney, Cecil Mcfarlane, Theresa Macdonald, George Hayes, Rose Hamilton, Maimie Trybis.
St. Mary and St. Finnan, Glenfinnan
After a short meeting last week in Glenfinnan it was decided that we will have mass on the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s of the month. Our next mass will be Sunday May the 2nd at 1.30pm.
Sick Visits
It is hoped that this week, we will be able to resume our home visits to the sick and housebound. Please inform us, if there is anyone who is unable to get to mass and would like a visit.
Lectio Divina
Our next Lectio Divina will be on Thursday the 6th of May at 7pm on Zoom. Please join us if you can our gospel is John 15, 1-8.
Caol Chapel House
We welcome Corrina McCormack and her family to the parish house in Caol. Corrina all being well will be in the house for the foreseeable future, we wish them health and happiness in the house. Please be aware that when coming to mass, there is no longer access to the church down the house side of the building. Please respect their privacy.
Rosary and Benediction
During the month of May, we will have Rosary and Benediction every Wednesday starting with this Wednesday the 5th in St. Mary’s at 7pm, and next week the 12th of May will be in St. John’s Caol at 7pm.
Church Numbers
Since April the 26th the cap on those coming to mass has been lifted, this makes a huge difference to us particularly in Caol, and Fort William as we have such big churches that we no longer need to be concerned about numbers. The usual regulations regarding social distancing, sanitising of hands, track and trace, and cleaning schedule will be remaining until further notice.