Newsletter for the Epiphany B

Masses for next week

·         Monday: Mass St. Mary’s for the Baptism of the Lord 10.15am

·         Tuesday: Eucharistic Service St. John’s Caol, 10am

·         Wednesday: Eucharistic service St. Mary’s, 10.15am

·         Thursday: Mass St. John’s, 10am

·         Friday: Mass at 10:15 mass at St. Mary’s followed by Exposition.

·         Saturday: The Vigil at St. Mary’s at 6pm

·         Sunday: St. John’s at 10am, St. Mary’s at 11.15am and Glenfinnan there will mass every Sunday at 1.30pm.




















Roderick Macdonald, Mary Margaret Lucas, Neil Gillies, Kate MacDougall, Tony MacHugh, Bella MacHugh, Kathleen Slattery, Hubert Schieble, John Macdonald, Bernard Dougan,              Cpt Donald Macintyre, Gerry Best, Betty Delaney, Julia Gibson, Maud McHale,

Ronald MacEachan,

Justice and Peace Sunday

Today we have a letter to be read out and a second collection at all masses for the great work of Justice and Peace. Please be as generous as you can to this worthy cause.

Happy New Year 2024

A very happy and healthy New Year to all parishioners and friends of all three parishes.

From Fr. Walter, Fr. David, and Deacon Thomas.

Fr. Walter away

Fr, Walter will be away from the 27th of December till the 31st of January. I will be saying mass every Sunday in St. John’s Caol at 10am, and the first and third Sundays in Glenfinnan in January. Weekday masses will be confirmed in the New Year. Fr. David. 

David Macintyre R.I.P.

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of David, younger brother of Alastair Macintyre (Ali Coop), to David’s family and friends we offer our love and prayers at this sad time for them. David’s funeral service will be on Friday the 12th of January at 12am in St. Mary’s Fort William. All are most welcome to attend.

Fr. David Holiday

I will be away on holiday from the Tuesday the 9th of January till Friday the 19th of January. I will leave you in the very capable hands of Fr. Sandy Culley.